Itchy Palms

December 12, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

There's an old saying my mum used to bring up whenever someone would scratch an itchy palm (she still does!) - she'd say an itchy palm meant that either someone was thinking of you or money was coming your way. Since I've never won the lottery or suddenly found money when I've had an itchy palm, I've been inclined to think about the first part of this saying.  Weird as it may seem, the "I was just thinking of you" situations have come up many times moments Number 2 with Mt. BakerA view of Mt. Baker and number 2 green at Cordova Bay after I've had an itchy palm! It can be that the phone rings or an e-mail/text pops up, or you're with people and two or three start talking about the same thing out of the blue. I'm not sure I believe in these things but it's happened too often to just toss it aside as an old wive's tale. How many coincidences do we get in our lifetime - is there a set number or can we always keep having coincidences? 

I caught up with a friend yesterday and something similar came up. We got talking about how it can be a small shudder or strange feeling but inevitably you start thinking of someone - be it someone still with us or someone who's passed on. Do these moments happen because a small bit of energy or other thing already stored in our mind pops up on part of our brain and we respond to this memory/thought?  Or - wait for it - is it that each of us have vast energy that bounds all over the Earth and space and, every now and then, some piece of that energy connects with another person's energy, leading to reflection/thoughts of that person? I'm sure people's ideas on coincidences/energies/superstitions run the gamet from "yeah whatever" to "totally believe in that stuff" - Number 11Hummingbird tee on Number 11 at Cordova Bay but whatever it is, there clearly are moments when some little thing moves our mind to think about someone or something when we weren't going there.  And, more often than not, it's nice to have pleasant thoughts of a friend or family member who's moved on or is no longer wish us.


In terms of reflection, one of my favourite places to walk around and just think and relax is Cordova Bay golf course. It's so peaceful and pretty out there when we're not golfing - and the recent cold snap has provided some beautiful sunny days to just stroll and reflect.  The photos in this blog are from this special place. Campbell's CrossingOctober colours on display at Campbell's Crossing on number 16 at Cordova Bay


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